Dr. Mandy grew up in Shanghai China and she did her bachelor’s degree in accountancy in Concordia University. After getting Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herbal and acupuncture treatments, she got amazed by the result and she decided to change her career. She completed a double major in CITCM (Canadian Institute of Traditional Medicine) and received extensive training in acupuncture and Chinese herbs.
She helps patients with all types of pain syndromes, sleep disorders, digestive issues, menstrual disorders, mental health, and dermatologic issues. Her treatment modalities include acupuncture, fire cupping, blood letting, Gua Sha, Moxibustion. She has great knowledge in prescribing herbs according to patients’ individual body constitution.
Dr. Mandy is passionate about her work as she loves helping patients with her TCM knowledge. She takes the time to listen to her patients’ health concerns, sets realistic goals and makes a plan that patient would be able to commit. Being able to improve patients’ health makes her life more meaningful.